Small electricity retailers “begging” customers to leave. What this means for you.

Smaller electricity retailers are telling their customers to go elsewhere or face a doubling of prices. In the last month, tens of thousands of Australian households and businesses have received a letter from their electricity retailer literally “begging them” to go away. The CEO of one retailer – Electricityinabox – wrote to customers saying “only […]

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Massive rebates for Victorians upgrading from an old electric hot water system to a heat pump

Victorian households can get up to $3,720 in rebates for upgrading an inefficient electric hot water system to an energy-efficient heat pump hot water system. Ditching your old electric hot water system and switching to a heat pump gets you more rebates than if you were switching from gas hot water to a heat pump. […]

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SolarEdge vs Enphase: Which is best for homeowners in the AusNet, United Energy and Jemena areas?

A question we are often asked is: “Which is the best solar system: SolarEdge or Enphase?”. This is a tough question to answer as both SolarEdge and Enphase are amongst the best solar power systems on the market as they optimise solar production at individual panel level (something conventional solar systems aren’t capable of). But […]

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