Specialized Solar & Electrical is the exclusive Solar Retailer and Installer for a number of the solar bulk-buy programs run by the Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance.
The CVGA (cvga.org.au) is a not-for-profit organisation that works with councils across Central and Northern Victoria to increase the uptake of renewable energy. The CVGA represents 13 councils from Ararat in the south, to Mildura in the north.
CVGA runs the MASH (More Australian Solar Homes) community solar bulk-buy, as well as a sister program in Northern Victoria called the Mallee Sun Solar Bulk-Buy. These bulk-buys are run in partnership with councils and have been recognised by Environment Victoria as one of Australia’s most successful community solar programs.
The Solar Retailer/Installer is selected through competitive tender.
A percentage of project income is distributed on a regular basis to community groups and schools in the form of free solar power systems.

Role of Specialized Solar & Electrical
Specialized Solar & Electrical was successful in tendering for the role of exclusive Solar Retailer/Installer for the Mallee Sun Solar Bulk-Buy prior to the program’s launch in mid-2019. As a result of that successful partnership, Specialized Solar was selected as the Solar Retailer/Installer for additional local government areas.
Currently, Specialized Solar & Electrical is the Solar Retailer/Installer for:
- MASH Community Solar Bulk Buy – Central Goldfields Shire, Rural City of Ararat, Loddon Shire, Pyrenees Shire.
- Mallee Sun Solar Bulk-Buy – Rural City of Swan Hill and Buloke Shire.
- Brimbank Community Solar – a program organized in partnership with Brimbank City Council and CVGA.

What Specialized Solar Does
- Works in partnership with CVGA to launch the bulk-buy program in each LGA.
- Presents at community engagement information meetings – both in-person and online.
- Appoints local installers in each LGA to support local jobs.
- Follows up expressions of interest from residents and businesses, providing quotes, entering into sales contract with the customer, supplying and installing.
- Performance is monitored according to a Service Level Agreement with the CVGA.
- Monitoring is carried out throughout customer satisfaction surveys and reporting to councils.
In the 2 years to July 2021, the program has achieved:
- 2MW installed.
- Electricity bill savings (annually) for bulk-buy participants: $1.15 million.
- CO2 emissions saved annually: 3,345 tonnes.
- Free community bonus systems installed: 5.