Victoria’s Emergency Backstop Mechanism for Solar: Ensuring Grid Stability

Starting July 1, 2024, Victoria will introduce an emergency backstop mechanism for rooftop solar systems. This proactive measure will allow electricity distributors to remotely reduce the output or switch off rooftop solar systems during periods of low electricity demand, ensuring the stability of the grid. The initiative aims to prevent overloading the grid, thus maintaining […]

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SolarEdge vs Enphase: Which is best for homeowners in the AusNet, United Energy and Jemena areas?

A question we are often asked is: “Which is the best solar system: SolarEdge or Enphase?”. This is a tough question to answer as both SolarEdge and Enphase are amongst the best solar power systems on the market as they optimise solar production at individual panel level (something conventional solar systems aren’t capable of). But […]

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Will I be charged for my solar exports anytime soon?

You may have heard about a proposed “Sun Tax” on solar exports. Maybe you’ve seen recent media coverage about curtailment of rooftop solar. Clearly, there are challenges in the national electricity market. But does that mean you’re going to be charged for exporting your surplus solar to the grid? The short answer is ‘probably not’. […]

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