Victoria’s Emergency Backstop Mechanism for Solar: Ensuring Grid Stability

Starting July 1, 2024, Victoria will introduce an emergency backstop mechanism for rooftop solar systems. This proactive measure will allow electricity distributors to remotely reduce the output or switch off rooftop solar systems during periods of low electricity demand, ensuring the stability of the grid. The initiative aims to prevent overloading the grid, thus maintaining […]

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Electrifying your business in 2023: Steps you can take.

Electrifying everything in your business has the potential to transform your operations, improve your bottom line, enhance your environmental credentials, and improve employee and client satisfaction. Because gas and fuel prices are skyrocketing, forward-thinking Australian businesses are moving fast to fully electrify their operations, powering them with solar. Competitive advantage No matter whether you own […]

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Electrifying your home in 2023. Steps you can take.

Home electrification is set to be big in 2023. That’s because Aussie homeowners are realising they can massively reduce their energy bills and carbon emissions through electrification, powered by solar. In fact, modelling shows the average household could save $5,000 a year on power and the cost of owning cars and appliances by going all-electric […]

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Why solar is the best protection from surging electricity prices

The federal government’s prediction in the October 2022 budget that electricity prices will rise by 56% in the next two years has sent shockwaves through most Australian households. How much more will Australians be paying for gas and electricity? The average Australian household paid $1,434 for electricity last financial year, according to the ACCC, and […]

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Getting Victoria off gas: new plan from the Victorian Government

The Victorian Government has released a Gas Substitution Roadmap outlining how Victorian households and businesses will be encouraged to get off gas and move to clean energy alternatives. With gas prices skyrocketing due to the current energy crisis, helping people move off gas makes sense. Gas is not only one of the dirtiest types of […]

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Small electricity retailers “begging” customers to leave. What this means for you.

Smaller electricity retailers are telling their customers to go elsewhere or face a doubling of prices. In the last month, tens of thousands of Australian households and businesses have received a letter from their electricity retailer literally “begging them” to go away. The CEO of one retailer – Electricityinabox – wrote to customers saying “only […]

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