The Pros and Cons of Solar Energy Management Solutions for Small Businesses

As small businesses in Victoria look for ways to reduce energy costs and embrace sustainable practices, solar energy management solutions have emerged as a popular choice. Harnessing the power of the sun not only helps businesses save on their electricity bills but also contributes to a greener and more sustainable future. The Victorian government has […]

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Being Solar Savvy: Understanding Energy Consumption

In the quest for a sustainable future, understanding our energy consumption is crucial. As we transition to renewable energy sources, solar power has emerged as a leading contender. However, to be truly ‘solar savvy’, we must first understand our energy consumption patterns, particularly in relation to household appliances. In today’s world, household appliances are not […]

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Electrifying your business in 2023: Steps you can take.

Electrifying everything in your business has the potential to transform your operations, improve your bottom line, enhance your environmental credentials, and improve employee and client satisfaction. Because gas and fuel prices are skyrocketing, forward-thinking Australian businesses are moving fast to fully electrify their operations, powering them with solar. Competitive advantage No matter whether you own […]

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Energy guzzlers in your home and how to tackle them

With gas and electricity prices going through the roof, tackling the energy guzzlers in your home is more important than ever. This blog explains what the top five energy guzzlers are in most Victorian homes – and what you can do about them. 1. Heating and cooling Up to 40% of household energy bills Heating […]

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