Renovate or Rebuild

Renovate or Rebuild

Episode 7: Special Guest from Specialized Solar

Who doesn’t want to have a beautiful home that works well and has low energy bills?

The big question for Aussie homeowners is how to make that happen. Do you renovate or is it better to knock down and start from scratch?

A new reality TV show answers that question in a fun way that will get you up-to-speed with the latest in sustainable home design and energy efficiency.

Stars from The Block compete in two teams – Team Renovate and Team Rebuild – to come up with the winning solution for creating a stunning home that’s not only amazing to live in but also efficient to run.

Team Renovate does their utmost to convince the family to renovate their existing home, whilst Team Rebuild is all about knocking it down and starting again.

Episode 7 on Monday 15 November will feature special guest, Anthony Igmen from Specialized Solar and Electrical, who’ll be helping a Melbourne family decide on the best solar and battery storage system for their home.

“Energy efficiency and solar work hand-in-glove. When done right, the results can be spectacular in terms of improved comfort and reduced energy bills. I’m thrilled to have the chance to convince Team Renovate and Team Rebuild – and the family – of the benefits of using sun power, combined with battery storage to create a super-efficient family home. – Anthony Igmen, Specialized Solar and Electrical.

“It’s amazing to think that one hour of sunlight that reaches Earth is enough to power the entire world for a year”, said Anthony. “It makes complete sense to use the sunshine hitting your roof to power your home, particularly as solar prices have dropped by around 70% compared to 10 years ago.”

“With battery prices coming down and the market for electric vehicles about to take-off, factoring in energy storage as part of your home energy mix is a smart move too”, said Anthony.

The show is full of useful energy efficiency tips. For example, with heating and cooling accounting for 40% of the average household energy use, what’s the best solution? Split systems are considered the most energy efficient heating and cooling method and preferable to gas. They can be zoned so you only heat or cool the parts of your house that need it, and they can run off your solar.

Renovate or Rebuild - Team Vic and host James Treble.
Renovate or Rebuild – Team VIC & James Treble.

According to Creator and Executive Producer James McGregor “We want people to get excited about things like insulation and high home energy ratings the same way they would get excited about a new kitchen benchtop.”

Tune in on Monday 15 November at 9.00pm to see what the family thinks of Anthony’s solar ideas and join in the fun as Team Renovate and Team Rebuild battle it out to come up with the client’s favourite solution.

If you missed an episode, you can catch up with the show on the official website.