Specialized Solar & Electrical has joined Allume Energy’s Solutions Partner program to help multi-tenanted buildings and apartment complexes gain access to the world’s only technology for sharing rooftop solar.

About Allume

Solar For Apartments - Proudly Australian-made. Allume Solutions Partner.
For too long, rooftop solar has been reserved for people that live in a standalone house, with apartment residents missing out.

Founded in 2015 with headquarters in the heart of Melbourne, Australia, Allume Energy are the pioneers of a world-first and proudly Australian-made technology enabling residents in multi-tenanted buildings to take control of their electricity usage through rooftop solar.

The SolShare

Over 300 million people live in apartments in the EU, USA and Australia alone. This an enormous population – only expected to grow – that are not able to enjoy the proven benefits of solar.

Enter SolShare: An award-winning and proudly-Australian made technology.

SolShare is the the world’s only technology for apartments, giving access to solar for residents in multi-tenanted buildings and enabling those who subscribe to reduce their electricity bill and carbon footprint.

About the SolShare

Piggy Bank

Maximised Saving

The SolShare’s sharing algorithm responds to each participant’s instantaneous usage, directing the solar to where it’s needed to maximise consumption and savings.

User icon

Tailored for the user

A SolShare system can be delivered in a variety of ways, from pay as you use solar to owning the system outright and receiving solar energy for free.


Stay on market

The SolShare’s behind-the-meter approach means residents can maintain the freedom to choose their electricity retailer.

How does SolShare work?

The SolShare creates private infrastructure to distribute solar in multi-dwelling buildings. It physically directs power from a single solar system on the common roof to the participating units behind their meter.

It works by dynamically distributing solar to the participants, adjusting the solar supply to each unit in real time to respond to their instantaneous load. This allows the consumption of solar to be maximised whilst ensuring everyone receives an equal allocation from the shared solar system over a given month.

The behind-the-meter approach for the first time makes rooftop solar possible on multi-tenanted buildings, without the need for an embedded network. This makes it ideal for small apartment buildings, small commercial buildings and larger complexes with greater tenancies.

The process is simple and each tenant has the option to participate. There is no additional requirement to sign-up for additional billing services or solar trading platforms giving a hand-off experience to users.

How does SolShare share solar energy fairly?

The SolShare logs the quantity of solar that’s been delivered to each apartment and over the course of each month, ensures that the connected units receive a fair amount of solar as the others. This means that even if your neighbour is a high-energy user, you will still receive the same energy benefit as them.

The technology monitors the demand of each connected unit within 200 millisecond increments, having the ability to tailor the solar delivery to each connected unit 5 times a second. This allows for up to 55% more solar being consumed on-site as compared to if each apartment had their own individual solar system which means up to 55% more money saved.

For a detailed breakdown of how the SolShare fairly distributes energy, please watch the video below:

Other resources:

Info: SolShare: Technical Information
PDF: SolShare Warranty
Video: Allume Energy Case Study: City West Housing
Article: SolShare: Helping social housing residents beat the electricity price hike